Get started with all things music, singing and dance.
Perfect for young kids growing up on the Gold Coast!
1-2 year olds
As your baby reaches 13 months, it becomes a very important time for them in so many new ways! Most importantly; walking and talking!
What does the class involve?
- 45 minutes of musical activity
- Exploration and play of baby safe instruments and props
- An introduction to music language such as learning and listening to the meaning of fast/slow, high/low, loud/soft, bouncy, smooth.
- Music story time
- Lots of dancing!
- Learning and singing new songs from all different genres!
How will it benefit my toddler?
- develop confidence and overall development
- Improve on language development and expand vocabulary
- Learn basic concepts of music which link to math and language
- Listening skills
- Social interaction with other toddlers, new friendships!
- Gross-motor skills, fine-motor control, and coordination